My Favorite Class At LESP Is AP Art

My Favorite Class At LESP

My Favorite Class At LESP Is AP Art

I was taking this class

At 313

I like it just because Art is my Favorite, without any reason

Most of thime, I was creating for my college portforlio
Robinson is teaching at this class, most of time she doesn't teach me anything, but if I need something, she will help me without any Hesitate.
Right now I was hand in 4 college's portforlio, most of drawing I was done at this class
Drawing will spent A largr number of time, but Robinsom always allow me stay whatever I like to do.
Sometimes I come home at 8:ooPM

classroom look like

Artwork I done at here

The Picture I was Take At BBQ Party For LESP.

thank you to watch!


  1. I like to these picture and do you like Our BBQ Party?

  2. I love your artworks. It shows so many details and shows a meaning to it.

    1. What do you thing about my artwoks mains?

  3. I really love that BBQ picture. It seems like everyone is very happy.

    1. I also like too. It would be one of my most precious memory in LESP

  4. Thank you for share the information! The art looks so good. Hope you can share more!

  5. you have good taste in art




my favor moive

Talking about myself